Cyber Security Tips

Cyber Security Tips Cyber Security standards have been created recently from the knowledge that information is now frequently stored on computers that are connected to the Internet. Also many tasks that were once done by hand are carried out by computer, therefore there is a need for Information Assurance (IA) and security. Cyber security involves protecting that information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks. Glocal Group gathered Tips and Advice’s about common cyber security issues for non-technical computer users.These guide provide general outlines as well as specific techniques for implementing Cyber Security.

Attacks and Threats – Use and maintain anti-virus software. Use caution with email attachments. Be wary of downloadable files on websites. Keep software up to date. Take advantage of security settings. Install a firewall. Use good passwords. Follow good security practices. Do not use fake antivirus. Check privacy policies.Conduct transactions on devices you control. Don’t click on links within pop-up windows. Choose “no” when asked unexpected questions. Be wary of free downloadable software. Don’t follow email links claiming to offer anti-spyware software.

Online Trading – Be wary of online information. Check privacy policies.Conduct transactions on devices you control. Make sure that your transactions are encrypted. Verify that the website is legitimate. Monitor your investments. Use strong passwords. Use and maintain anti-virus software. Use anti-spyware tools.Do business with reputable companies.Be careful what information you publicize.

Email and Communication -Evaluate your security settings. Be conscious of what information you reveal. Try to verify the identity of the person you are talking to, if it matters. Don’t believe everything you read. Keep software up to date. Don’t give your email address out arbitrarily. Be aware of options selected by default. Use filters. Report messages as spam and don’t spam other people. Don’t follow links in spam messages. Disable the automatic downloading of graphics in HTML mail. Consider opening an additional email account. Use privacy settings on social networking sites. Be wary of unsolicited attachments, even from people you know. Save and scan any attachments before opening them. Turn off the option to automatically download attachments. and at last : Trust your instincts!!!

Remember – The most effective means of protecting yourself and your property is the liberal use of common sense reinforced with a high state of security awareness. Do not give anyone the opportunity to exploit vulnerabilities. Stay alert and exercise good judgment.

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