Glocal Group
develops professional platforms for aerial, naval, and land systems, and we supply a variety of weapons systems across all of these domains. Our communications and control systems can smooth out operational issues during complex mixed-force operations. Monitoring and command systems can centralize and simplify the complex logistics of defense operations; we have the means and know-how to design them.
Ensuring that forces have access to the right equipment is the most fundamental aspect of defense. Along with medium and heavy weapon systems, we offer a variety of small arms at any required caliber. We also specialize in optics systems, including night vision, providing a pixel-perfect optical solution for the forces on the field.
Developing an effective defense solution is a complex task that requires experience across many different areas. Glocal Group has the expertise and the network necessary to solve these complicated issues. Our defense solutions include project management, procurement, QA, logistic support, and deployments. This centralized planning approach ensures that every solution is developed and implemented with the highest level of care and attention to detail.
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