Glocal Group develops communications solutions that are reliable and effective. We implement technology for over the horizon, self-sustained, and off-grid communications. Multi-sensor management systems and interception systems allow for greater control and awareness in HLS.
The core of HLS is the same as it has always been, personnel. Glocal Group develops and implements complete training programs for clients initiating or improving HLS programs. Our years of experience in Israeli Special Forces and public and private security give us the experience base necessary to train forces to their highest operational potential. Our training covers standard HLS operational practices and the implementation of the unique solution implemented for that client.
Our HLS equipment selection covers many areas of security, from vehicles to personal protective gear. EOD and IED countermeasures are of crucial importance for HLS in today’s world. Glocal Group offers EOD and IED vehicles, gear and equipment, and other countermeasures. Our selection also features tactical gear and clothing, including personal ballistic protection.
Let Glocal Group develop your HLS program into an unstoppable force, with the technology, training, and equipment that your people need to succeed.

Technology, Training, and Equipment for a Fully Integrated HLS Solution.

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