Glocal Group has what it takes to seamlessly integrate sub-systems and components into a holistic solution: in-house engineering and R&D, hands-on experience from the end-user side, years-long success as a supplier to professional customers, and the company-culture to create and innovate.

Glocal Group has built a work-flow in which the customer has the focus and his aches are the catalyst. We take the time and measures to study the situation, we listen and observe, we give our mind the freedom to come-up with ideas and ambitions. We then plan the best-possible solution, under any guidance from the customer (technical, budgetary or other), move to design with emphasis on smooth integration between all components, and after QA and testing we can start with implementation.

As in all aspects, Glocal Group strives to full satisfaction from each customer and partner. Bringing all parts together, extracting added-value from each sub-system to create a new whole that is worth much more than the sum of its components, we are always looking to ensure long-term success.

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